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Download US CMA Syllabus

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Part 1 - Financial Planning, Performance, and Analytics

External Financial Reporting Decisions (15%)
Planning, Budgeting, and Forecasting (20%)
Performance Management (20%)
Cost Management (15%)
Internal Controls (15%)
Technology and Analytics (15%)

Part 2 - Strategic Financial Management

Financial Statement Analysis (20%)
Corporate Finance (20%)
Decision Analysis (25%)
Risk Management (10%)
Investment Decisions (10%)
Professional Ethics (15%)

US CMA Course details

US CMA Part1 Detailed Syllabus

Below are the details - Total Course duration for Part1 is 88 hrs (approx)

Sr No Particulars Time
A Section A External Financial Reporting Decisions 23:43:31
1 Financial Statements 07:22:23
1 Index of FS 03:43
2 Story of FS 20:17
3 What are FS 09:37
4 Accounting Concept 05:22
5 What FS tell us 31:06:00
6 Summary of FS 02:00
7 Users of FS 08:54
8 Objective of FS 08:05
9 Financial Accounting vs Managerial Accounting 05:55
10 Quiz 1 09:51
11 Balance Sheet 27:21:00
12 Quiz of BS 04:16
13 Income Statements 19:28
14 Exercise of IS 25:26:00
15 Income Statements Other Items 30:43:00
16 Quiz 1 16:55
17 Cash Flow Statement 25:26:00
18 Format of Cash Flow 12:27
19 Exercise 29:15:00
20 Quiz 2 14:37
21 Statement of changes in Equity 18:43
22 Quiz 3 05:51
23 Summary of BS, IS & FS 05:17
24 Disclosures 14:43
25 Relationship Among FS 07:22
26 Effect of Financial Transactions 15:40
27 Quiz 11:40
28 Exercise 28:46:00
29 Consolidation of Accounts 01:57
30 Final Quiz 14:55
31 Summary 06:45
2 Revenue Recognition 02:28:53
1 Introduction 09:50
2 Revenue Recognition for contracts with Customer 24:10:00
3 Accounting Treatment 17:09
4 Quiz 10:09
5 Recognition of Revenue for LT Contracts 13:15
6 Recognition of Revenue Over time 25:38:00
7 Revenue Rcognition and Returns 20:23
8 Matching Principle 11:54
9 Final Quiz 10:39
10 Summary 05:46
3 Valuation of Assets 08:41:04
1 Index 03:55
2 Cash & Cash Equivalents 06:13
3 Quiz on C&CE 02:43
4 Accounts Receivable - Recognition 17:01
5 Accounts Receivable - Valuation 12:13
6 Allowance for Bad Debts 23:08
7 % of Sales Method 05:51
8 % of Receivables Method 13:07
9 Ageing Schedule 09:10
10 Other Allowances 06:25
11 Factoring 11:37
12 Non-Trade Receivables 02:32
13 Quiz on Receivables 16:23
14 Inventories - Introductions 14:44
15 Cost Flow Assumptions 16:46
16 Inventory Accounting Systems 07:38
17 Example of FIFO Method 11:07
18 Example of LIFO Method 14:41
19 Inventory Errors 05:38
20 Inventory Measurement in FS 16:26
21 Quiz on Inventories 16:04
22 PPE - InItial Measurement 15:38
23 Depreciation 14:24
24 Depreciation Methods SLM & DBM 20:59
25 Other Depreciation Methods 18:48
26 Impairment and Disposal 11:40
27 Quiz on Depreciation 11:38
28 Intangible Assets 09:15
29 Intellectual Property 16:48
30 Goodwill 13:59
31 Disclosure of intangibles 03:59
32 Quiz on Intangible Assets 08:36
33 Financial Assets 08:17
34 Types of Debt Securities 12:10
35 HTM Debt Securities 27:03:00
36 Equity Securities - Accounting Methods 29:26:00
37 Quiz on Financial Assets 13:18
38 US GAAP vs IFRS wrt Asset Valuation 10:46
39 Final Quiz 21:00
40 Summary - Valuation of Assets 19:58
4 Valuation of Liabilities, Taxes, Leases & Equity 05:11:11
1 Index 03:21
2 Valuation of Liabilities 17:22
3 Long Term Liabilities 13:56
4 Quiz on Liabilities 05:28
5 Warranties 23:03
6 Quiz on Warranties 03:56
7 Off Balance Sheet Financing 26:12:00
8 Deferred Tax - What, Why and When 12:48
9 Deferred Tax - Accounting entries 04:32
10 Example of Deferred Tax 11:44
11 Multiple Rates of Tax 04:34
12 Treatment of Taxable Losses 05:31
13 Permanent Differences 08:26
14 Quiz 10:21
15 Leases 07:38
16 Accounting for Lessee 15:16
17 Accounting for Lessor 10:59
18 Operating Lease(OBF) 01:47
19 Quiz on Leases 11:06
20 Owners' Equity 07:54
21 Issue of Stock 19:27
22 Types of Capital 05:25
23 Treasury Stock 20:16
24 Stock Splits 06:31
25 Stock Dividends 09:30
26 Quiz on Owners' Equity 06:16
27 Retained Earnings 08:45
28 Recap on Owners' Equity 04:32
29 Final Quiz 14:19
30 Summary 10:16
B Section B. Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting 18:24:06
1 Strategic Planning 03:48:45
1 Strategic Planning Index 01:45
2 Story of the Mountain Man 06:48
3 Corporate Planning Objective 05:30
4 Strategic Planning 08:32
5 Quiz 03:05
6 Strategic Planning Process 01:47
7 Mission & Vision 10:00
8 Organisational Values and Culture 06:19
9 Goals and Objectives 09:53
10 Quiz 09:43
11 External Internal Environment 10:52
12 SWOT 12:10
13 PESTLE 06:43
14 P5F 15:45
15 5C Analysis 05:19
16 Quiz 06:47
17 Formulating strategies 10:40
18 Porter's Generic Strategies 18:10
19 Focus Strategy 04:05
20 Contingency Scenario Planning 06:01
21 BCG Growth Share Matrix 17:43
22 Quiz Time 1 08:34
23 Implementing strategies 16:05
24 Quiz Time2 17:06
25 Summary 09:23
2 Budgeting Concepts & Methodologies 03:26:34
1 Introduction 12:31
2 Relationship between Planning, Budgeting and Performance Evaluation 05:20
3 Role of a Budget 15:32
4 Budget Factor 08:00
5 Budget Factor - Examples 25:55:00
6 Quiz 09:38
7 Budget Slack and Goal Congruence 10:53
8 Methods of Budget Preparation 11:09
9 Characteristics of a successful budgeting processes 11:58
10 Cost Standards 10:15
11 Developing Standard Costs 17:15
12 Quiz 09:55
13 Forms of Budgeting 08:51
14 Forms of Budgeting Continue 24:55:00
15 Final Quiz 19:36
16 Summary 04:51
3 Annual Profit Plan & Supporting Schedules 04:42:03
1 Types of Budget - Overview 22:09
2 Master Budget - Overview 12:18
3 Quiz 10:40
4 Operating Budget 07:30
5 Production Budget 07:46
6 Material and Labour Budget 18:54
7 Overhead Budget 19:20
8 COGS Budget 11:22
9 Selling, Distribution & Administration Budget 07:16
10 Multiple Budgets Exercise 17:45
11 Quiz 1 18:13
12 Financial Budget 06:47
13 Cash Budget Examples 13:09
14 Cash Budget Exercise 28:01:00
15 Quiz 05:47
16 Master Budget Financial Statements 05:48
17 Budgeted F S Exercise 31:58:00
18 Master Budget Cash Flow Statement 05:27
19 Final Quiz 25:24:00
20 Summary 06:29
4 Top Level Planning & Analysis 01:39:26
1 Introduction 04:06
2 Definition and Purpose of Pro Forma FS 10:10
3 Preparation of Pro forma Financial Statements 17:31
4 Pro forma Statements and Dividend policy 07:23
5 Pro forma Statements - Example 12:28
6 Quiz 10:43
7 Compliance with Strategic Objectives 19:19
8 Sensitivity Analysis 04:22
9 Final Quiz 06:15
10 Summary 07:09
5 Forecasting Techniques 04:47:18
1 Forecasting Techniques - Introduction 09:51
2 Understanding Regression Analysis 13:18
3 Regression and Correlation 12:23
4 Regression Line 17:57
5 Regression Formulas 13:32
6 Computation of R, R2 and T-value 20:02
7 Quiz 10:32
8 Multiple Regression 07:11
9 Regression - Advantages and Limitations 17:02
10 Quiz 15:50
11 Learning curve analysis 05:58
12 Computation of LC 15:35
13 Assumptions, Advantages and Limitations of LC 08:25
14 Learning Curve - Exercises 11:52
15 Quiz 09:09
16 Expected Value of Random Variables 08:41
17 Computing Expected Value 08:32
18 Decision making criteria 13:07
19 Expected Value of Perfect Information 07:42
20 Expected Value Exercises 15:15
21 Benefits and Shortcomings of EV 05:58
22 Quiz 05:35
23 Final Quiz 18:26
24 Summary 15:25
C Section C:Performance Management 09:40:04
1 Variance Analysis 03:46:25
1 Introduction 12:34
2 Process of Variance Analysis 09:49
3 Static and Flexible Budget 11:01
4 Direct Material Variances 27:04:00
5 Quiz 07:38
6 Direct Labour Variances 23:20
7 Variable Overhead Variances 07:34
8 Fixed Overhead Variances 29:42:00
9 Quiz 23:18
10 Sales Variances 17:00
11 Quiz 06:42
12 Interrelationship between Variances 02:39
13 Variance Analysis for a service company 01:48
14 Final Quiz 30:04:00
15 Summary 16:12
2 Responsibility Centers and Segments 03:09:47
1 Introduction 11:27
2 Responsibility Centers 10:27
3 Responsibility Accounting 08:29
4 Performance Measures 05:29
5 Quiz 07:45
6 Segment Reporting 13:08
7 Allocation of Common Costs 12:32
8 Contribution Margin 07:18
9 Quiz 18:16
10 Transfer Pricing 07:54
11 Transfer Pricing Methods 13:08
12 Minimum and Maximum Transfer Pricing 07:36
13 Transfer pricing Examples 12:29
14 Quiz 20:45
15 Multinational transfer pricing 09:54
16 Final Quiz 17:41
17 Summary 05:29
3 Performance Measures 02:43:52
1 Introduction 13:12
2 Return on Investment 14:42
3 Drawbacks of ROI 09:13
4 Residual Income 08:56
5 Effect on Accounting Policies 08:57
6 Quiz 20:00
7 Story 03:56
8 Balanced Scorecard 06:52
9 Balanced Scorecard - Perspectives 21:37
10 Key Performance Indicators 10:00
11 Quiz 06:46
12 Customer Profitability and Product Profitability 07:08
13 Final Quiz 22:49
14 Summary 09:44
D Section D: Cost Management 19:42:53
1 Cost Concepts 03:35:01
1 Introduction 01:14
2 Overview of Cost Management 07:03
3 Cost Concepts 03:33
4 Basic Costing Terms 17:42
5 Kinds of Cost 17:43
6 Estimating Fixed and Variable Costs 17:00
7 Relevant and Irrelevant Costs 10:57
8 Cost Measurement Techniques 16:38
9 Quiz 16:51
10 Cost Accumulation Systems 07:26
11 Cost Flow 06:26
12 Statement of Costs 09:00
13 Statement of Costs - Example 05:53
14 Quiz 1 16:56
15 Absorption and Variable Costing 09:07
16 Exercises 16:50
17 Advantages and Limitations 06:41
18 Quiz 2 06:48
19 Final Quiz 16:49
20 Summary 04:24
2 Overhead Costs 03:40:21
1 Introduction 11:14
2 Overhead Rates of Absorption 11:07
3 Rates of absorption - Exercise 07:34
4 Quiz 13:10
5 Under or Over absorption 04:56
6 Accounting for Overhead Absorption 21:05
7 Accounting for Under/Over Absorption 21:40
8 Blanket rate vs Departmental rate 17:14
9 Quiz 26:41:00
10 Capacity Concepts 08:25
11 Shared Services Costs 07:47
12 Methods of Allocating Shared Services Costs 11:54
13 Allocating Multiple Support Department Costs 05:42
14 Step Down Method of Allocating Overheads 03:03
15 Reciprocal Method of Allocating Overheads 09:45
16 Exercises: Step Down Reciprocal 09:19
17 Quiz 08:53
18 Final Quiz 14:16
19 Summary 06:36
3 Costing Systems 05:26:27
1 Introduction 00:23
2 Costing Systems 02:17
3 Process Costing 12:49
4 Treatment of Losses 14:27
5 Exercises 12:27
6 Equivalent units 19:01
7 More Exercises 12:32
8 Quiz Time 27:37:00
9 Joint Products and By Products 06:40
10 Methods of Allocating Costs to Joint Products 01:46
11 Physical Measure Method 05:18
12 Relative Sales Value at Splitoff Point Method 07:27
13 Net Realisable Value Method 05:25
14 Constant Gross Margin Method 05:51
15 When to further process joint product 07:15
16 Exercises 08:56
17 Treatment of By Products 20:30
18 Quiz Time 1 19:00
19 Activity Based Costing 18:46
20 Pros and Cons of ABC 08:49
21 Cost hierarchies 13:23
22 ABC Process 07:27
23 ABC in a Bank - Exercise 07:33
24 Quiz Time2 19:25
25 Life Cycle Costing 14:17
26 Final Quiz 22:14
27 Summary 24:52:00
4 Supply Chain Management 03:59:04
1 What is SCM? 24:57:00
2 Lean Manufacturing 15:07
3 Waste in Manufacturing 19:13
4 Kanban 17:08
5 Quiz 17:07
6 Material Requirement Planning 24:26:00
7 Material Resource Planning 31:01:00
8 Theory of Constraints 33:23:00
9 Quiz 12:42
10 Capacity Levels 23:12
11 Final Quiz 20:48
5 Business Process Improvement 03:02:00
1 Introduction 10:32
2 Value chain activities 20:07
3 Competitive Advantage 06:04
4 Value Engineering 07:50
5 Process Analysis 05:04
6 Business Process Reengineering 10:19
7 Quiz 08:47
8 Kaizen 16:36
9 Activity Based Management 06:40
10 Total Quality Management 12:46
11 Cost of Quality 13:54
12 Benchmarking Process Performance 13:54
13 Best Practice Analysis 04:25
14 Quiz 11:09
15 Accounting Process Redesign 10:16
16 Final Quiz 24:15:00
17 Summary 09:54
E Section E: Internal Controls 07:33:18
1 Governance, Risk, and Compliance 04:08:59
1 Introduction 08:55
2 Understanding Risk 14:58
3 Internal Controls 14:12
4 COSO 10:26
5 Internal Control Components of COSO 22:14
6 Components and Principles of Internal Control 08:19
7 Quiz 08:25
8 Corporate Governance 11:18
9 Who is responsible for Internal Control? 17:21
10 Quiz 08:42
11 Types of Internal Control 17:27
12 Importance of Personnel Policies and Procedures 05:32
13 Segregation of Duties 11:09
14 Safeguarding Controls 06:20
15 Quiz 15:02
16 Sarbanes Oxly Act 15:34
17 Role of PCAOB IN Audit of Internal Controls 08:48
18 FCPA 04:35
19 External Auditors Reponsibilities 10:16
20 Quiz 20:47
21 Summary 08:39
2 System Control and Security measure 03:24:19
1 Introduction 05:36
2 Segregation of Accounting Systems 04:31
3 Threats to Information System 20:35
4 Information System Control 30:51:00
5 Application Control 22:48
6 Feedback, Feedforward and Preventive Measures 04:21
7 Storage Controls 03:23
8 Flow charts to access controls 12:34
9 Quiz 17:03
10 Internet Security 18:22
11 Business Continuity plan 20:24
12 Disaster Recovery Plan 08:27
13 Final Quiz 19:18
14 Summary 16:06
F Section F: Technology and Analytics 09:01:41
1 Information System 02:05:28
1 Introduction 02:17
2 Accounting Information System 16:43
3 AIS in Value Chain 07:51
4 AIS Cycle 05:41
5 Revenue Cycle 04:05
6 Expenditure and Production Cycle 04:29
7 Other Business Cycle 06:29
8 Quiz 06:58
9 Challenges of Financial and Non Financial System 05:40
10 Enterprise Resource Planning 12:26
11 Database Management System 24:27:00
12 Quiz 04:12
13 Enterprise Performance Management 06:21
14 Final Quiz 10:04
15 Summary 07:45
2 Data Governance 02:01:28
1 Introduction 10:46
2 COBIT by ISACA 20:58
3 Data Governance 10:26
4 Quiz 06:14
5 Stages of Data Life Cycle 10:26
6 Record Retention Policy 09:37
7 Quiz 04:53
8 Cyber Attacks 12:01
9 Controls for Cyber Attack 22:24
10 Final Quiz 07:45
11 Summary 05:58
3 Finance Transformation 55:23:00
1 Introduction 02:55
2 System Development life Cycle 04:54
3 Business Process Analysis 11:00
4 Robotic Process Automation 11:24
5 Artificial Intelligence 14:52
6 Cloud Computing 21:10
7 IaaS,PaaS & SaaS 06:15
8 Quiz 08:31
9 Blockchain 14:36
10 Smart Contracts 05:02
11 Final Quiz 08:28
12 Summary 06:16
4 Data Analytics 02:59:22
1 Introduction 11:13
2 Big Data 09:20
3 Attributes of Big Data 07:13
4 Relevance of Data 14:26
5 Data - a strategic asset 11:07
6 Quiz 05:44
7 Progression - from data to wisdom 06:45
8 Advantages and Challenges of Data Analytics 07:14
9 Business Intelligence 10:40
10 Data Mining 09:53
11 Process of Data Mining 10:41
12 Challenges of Data Mining 06:47
13 Structured Query Language(SQL) 06:25
14 Quiz 05:53
15 Analytical tools 11:08
16 Approaches to Understand Risk 15:03
17 Visualisation 15:06
18 Final Quiz 08:08
19 Summary 06:36

US CMA Syllabus

US CMA Part2 Detailed Syllabus

Below are the details - Total Course duration for Part1 is 56 hrs (approx)

Sr No Particulars Time
A Section A Financial Statement Analysis 10:43:05
1 1.Basic Financial Statement Analysis 4:15:05
1 Introduction 33:44
2 Financial Ratio Analysis 13:8
3 Liquidity Ratios 23:54
4 Quiz 17:41
5 Solvency Ratio 11:30
6 Leverage Ratio 18:46
7 Leverage Ratios Example 6:31
8 Leverage and Risk 6:50
9 Capital Structure Ratio 5:36
10 Earnings Coverage Ratios 10:58
11 Quiz 12:45
12 Activity Ratios 34:39
13 Quiz 19:1
14 Limitations of Ratio Analysis 4:37
15 Final Quiz. 23:59
16 Summary 11:26
2 Profitability Analysis 1:24:29
1 Introduction 20:49
2 Return on Invested Capital Ratios 16:58
3 Basic EPS 20:23
4 Diluted EPS - Example 9:56
5 Quiz 16:23
3 Special issues 5:03:31
1 Introduction 4:36
2 Impact of Foreign Exchange Fluctuation 14:13
3 Reporting and Functional Currency 7:8
4 Impact of Foreign Subsidiary on FS 10:46
5 Quiz 12:39
6 Impact of Inflation on Ratios 4:47
7 Changes in Accounting Treatment 8:30
8 Quiz 6:25
9 Receivables Factoring 3:18
10 Earnings Quality 8:28
11 Quiz 4:45
12 Book Value and Market Value 14:27
13 Final Quiz 18:19
14 Summary 5:10
Section B.Corporate Finance 21:50:12
1 Risk & Return 2:34:36
1 Introduction 15:31
2 Basic Of Computation Return 5:35
3 Types of risks 8:16
4 Quiz 8:50
5 Measurement Of Risk 16:47
6 Portfolio Risk 19:46
7 Quiz 7:13
8 Diversification 11:6
9 Beta 5:33
10 Capital Asset Pricing Model 5:5
11 Quiz 10:51
12 Security Market Line 16:26
13 Final Quiz 14:19
14 Summary 9:18
2.1 Long Term Financial Management - Bonds,Stock & Valuation 3:00:10
1 Introduction 20:2
2 Bonds & Yield Curve 10:31
3 Yield Curve Theories 16:26
4 Uses of Yield Curve 3:58
5 Quiz 9:17
6 Basic features of bonds 10:47
7 Types of bonds 8:33
8 Advantages and disadvantages of bonds 3:30
9 Duration & bond interest rate sensitivity 6:56
10 Characteristics of bonds 7:37
11 Quiz 6:7
12 Bond value & market interest rate 5:1
13 Valuation of bond 16:44
14 Valuation of preference share 4:53
15 Earning Model Example 0:1
16 Two stage dividend discount model 8:30
17 Quiz Time 9:28
18 Comparable Valuation Model 1:9
19 Quiz 15:37
20 Summary 15:3
2.2 Long Term Financial Management - Derivative & Cost of Capital 3:18:59
1 Introduction 12:51
2 Forwards and futures 12:56
3 Long and Short positions 4:10
4 Quiz 7:8
5 Options 24:23
6 Exiting an Option 6:16
7 Factors affecting the value of an option 13:46
8 Hedging with Options 8:23
9 Swaps 12:16
10 Quiz 14:4
11 Cost of Capital 6:36
12 Cost of each component of Capital 11:36
13 Marginal Cost of Capital 3:35
14 Cost of Capital - Examples 6:21
15 Inflation, Interest Rates and Prices 3:33
16 Quiz 10:24
17 Other sources of Long term Financing 10:11
18 Final Quiz 15:9
19 Summary 15:21
3 Raising Capital 2:55:14
1 Introduction 15:35
2 Functions of Financial Markets 5:25
3 Market Efficiency 8:38
4 Quiz 5:56
5 Credit Rating Agencies 10:25
6 Investment Banks 17:38
7 Initial Public Offering and Secondary Offering 2:30
8 Quiz 7:54
9 Types of Dividend 13:18
10 Dividend Policy 9:32
11 Factors influencing Dividend Policy 4:28
12 Dividend Payment Process 9:32
13 Stock Purchase 6:29
14 Quiz 20:48
15 Insider Trading 5:9
16 Final Quiz 16:52
17 Summary 15:5
4 Working Capital Management 4:32:56
1 What is Working Capital 15:50
2 Operating and Cash Cycle 5:37
3 Permanent and Temporary Working Capital 6:3
4 Quiz 14:1
5 Cash Management 6:44
6 Speeding up collections 15:23
7 Slowing down disbursements 4:55
8 Marketable Securities 6:53
9 Baumol's EOQ Model 13:58
10 Miller Orr Cash Management Model 3:22
11 Quiz 16:6
12 Management of Accounts Receivable 16:10
13 Monitoring Accounts Receivable 9:31
14 Quiz 17:23
15 Management of Inventories 8:1
16 Economic Order Quantity 11:52
17 More Inventory Management Terms 11:53
18 Just in Time 4:26
19 Quiz 12:41
20 Spontaneous form of short term credit 7:37
21 Other Forms of Short Term Financing 10:19
22 Interest rates 8:53
23 Final Quiz 23:25
24 Summary 21:53
5 Corporate Restructuring 2:25:41
1 Corporate Restructuring 5:4
2 Mergers and Consolidation 8:31
3 Acquisitions 12:33
4 Advantages of Business Combinations 6:10
5 Quiz 9:12
6 Takeover Defences 4:8
7 Pre-Takeover Defenses 12:49
8 Post-Takeover Defence 9:13
9 Divestitures 17:25
10 Reasons for Restructuring 9:45
11 Synergies 3:13
12 Quiz 14:23
13 Valuation of a Business 9:1
14 Quiz 6:3
15 Summary 18:11
6 International Finance 3:02:36
1 Introduction 12:36
2 Foreign Currency Exchange Rates 9:6
3 Exchange Rate Basics 6:50
4 Quiz 12:12
5 Variable affecting Exchange Rates 18:17
6 Exchange Rate Risk 8:12
7 Managing Exchange Rate Risk 18:14
8 Quiz 19:17
9 International Diversification 14:50
10 Payment methods in International Trades 10:41
11 International Trade Financing Methods 28:57
12 Final Quiz 12:23
13 Summary 11:1
Section C.Decision Analysis 9:28:50
1 Cost/Volume/Profit Analysis 2:37:32
1 Introduction 19:0
2 Contribution Margin Ratio 13:9
3 Fixed Variable Cost 15:24
4 CVP Analysis Practise Problems 19:16
5 Quiz 11:33
6 CVP analysis with multiple Products 13:37
7 CVP analysis & Sensitivity 16:44
8 Indifference Point 5:38
9 Quiz 11:44
10 Benefits & Limitation of CVP analysis 9:20
11 Final Quiz 14:36
12 Summary 7:31
2 Marginal Analysis 3:29:30
1 Introduction 18:55
2 Understanding Relevance of Cost 15:25
3 Relevant Cost & Revenues 15:1
4 Exercise 8:44
5 Quiz 14:11
6 Shutdown Point 10:52
7 Add or Drop a Segment 5:38
8 Sell or Process Further 12:45
9 Exercise 6:36
10 Quiz 9:21
11 Special Order Pricing 15:14
12 Exercise 9:3
13 Limiting Factor 10:5
14 Quiz 17:4
15 Essay Question 8:41
16 Incomes Taxes and Marginal Analysis 1:27
17 Final Quiz 23:32
18 Summary 6:56
3 Pricing (Page 1279) 3:21:48
1 Introduction 14:7
2 Elasticity of Demand 7:29
3 Measuring Elasticity of Demand 26:2
4 Law of Supply 8:11
5 Quiz 14:22
6 Market Structure and Pricing 15:20
7 Long Run Pricing Strategy 13:26
8 New Product Pricing Strategy 7:55
9 Quiz 10:43
10 Target Costing 8:28
11 Value Engineering 22:36
12 Product Mix Pricing Strategy 8:9
13 Quiz Time 9:59
14 Other Consideration in Pricing 4:36
15 Final Quiz 12:54
16 Summary 17:31
Section D.Risk Management 2:41:35
1 Enterprise Risk 2:41:35
1 Introduction 19:23
2 Capital Adequacy 17:19
3 Risk Identification 29:49
4 Risk Response 25:56
5 Risk Monitoring 9:19
6 Quiz 8:12
7 Enterprise Risk Management 14:33
8 COSO ERM 8:37
9 Quiz 5:48
10 Benefits Of ERM 5:29
11 Final Quiz 10:13
12 Summary 6:57
Section E.Investment Decisions 5:31:33
1 Capital Budgeting Process 2:15:18
1 Introduction 12:49
2 Relevant Costs 12:43
3 Depreciation Tax Shields 9:5
4 Cash Flow in Capital Budgeting 13:22
5 Quiz 15:44
6 Effects of Inflation in Capital Budgeting 16:9
7 Pay Back Method 9:5
8 Quiz 8:57
9 Accounting Rate of Return 8:37
10 Final Quiz 22:23
11 Summary 6:24
2 Discounted Cash Flow Analysis 3:16:15
1 Investment Decisions 6:50
2 Net Present Value 16:36
3 Internal Rate of Return 16:16
4 IRR Example 12:37
5 Quiz 15:50
6 NPV Profile 11:48
7 Profitability Index 18:10
8 Capital Rationing 4:27
9 Capital Budgeting Exercise 12:5
10 Quiz 17:21
11 Risk Analysis in capital Investments 8:37
12 Sensitivity Analysis 12:9
13 Simulation Analysis 5:0
14 Quiz 4:18
15 Decision Tree Analysis 9:38
16 Final Quiz 16:8
17 Summary 8:25
Section F.Professional Ethics 5:29:20
1 Business Ethics 0:42:13
1 Introduction 7:53
2 Virtue vs Morality 6:7
3 Moral Philosophies 12:35
4 Factors Impacting Ethical Decision Making 7:53
5 Quiz 4:44
6 Summary 3:1
2 Ethical Considerations for MA and FM Professionals 1:11:33
1 Introduction 15:59
2 Ethical Standards 12:53
3 Resolution Of Ethical Conflict 6:27
4 Quiz 9:5
5 Fraud Triangle 15:7
6 Final Quiz 7:9
7 Summary 4:53
3 Ethical Considerations for the Organization 3:35:34
1 Introduction 26:56
2 FCPA Prohibits 8:3
3 Examples of improper travel & entertainment 15:7
4 SOX - Section 406 16:5
5 Organizational Code Of Conduct 36:19
6 Ethics and Internal Control 26:45
7 Quiz 8:37
8 Monitoring Ethical Compliance 23:56
9 Group Think 34:20
10 Final Quiz 12:36
11 Summary 6:50

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